Monday, March 28, 2011

Great Story by Stephan Pastis

In November, I ran this strip:
Unfortunately, it elicited an angry email, which you’ll see below.
Now normally when I get angry emails, I ignore them.  But sometimes due to the sensitive nature of the complaint, I have to take it a little more seriously and give it a more thoughtful reply.
So here is the complaint:

From: (Name Deleted)
Subject: Recent Strip re Italian Opera

Why do the various vermin who infest and infect the various media venues find it necessary to continually insult not only Italian-Americans, but also Italian culture as well?  Why dont you miserable, cowardly bigots pick on some other group for a change?

And here is my reply.

To:                   (name deleted)
Date:               February 26, 2011

What group would you suggest?

He hasn’t written back.

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